A phishing email claiming to come from CrowdStrike. It references the BSOD issue and urges users to click a link to reset their password after detecting unauthorized login attempts.

CrowdStrike Outage Sparks Phishing Frenzy—3 Sample Emails Explored

July 21, 2024

A computer mouse being baited on a fishing hook.

How Phishing Attacks Are Executed: A Deep Dive

July 10, 2024

A diverse group of employees engaged in a cybersecurity training session in a lively office setting.

Towards a Culture of Security

July 8, 2024

A fishing hook with online-related symbols hanging from it, representing the adaptability and deception of phishing attacks.

How to Identify Phishing Emails: Tips and Tricks

July 5, 2024

A female ship captain confidently steers the wheel of a large ship in the middle of the ocean, holding a telescope and gazing into the horizon with determination and focus. Ominous shadows of sharks can be seen swimming beneath the calm sea.

Are Phishing Emails Illegal? The Shocking Truth Revealed

June 25, 2024

A collage of vibrant and dynamic cybersecurity-themed artwork featuring padlocks, shields, binary numbers, a person wearing a cape representing a firewall, a mischievous hacker with a balaclava, computers, servers, and a digital world.

The Top 15 Cybersecurity Memes of 2024

May 22, 2024

A computer monitor on a modern desk, displaying a humorous meme about cybersecurity and phishing. A large, cartoony fish hook emerges from an email envelope symbolizing email phishing, while a caricature of a computer user laughs heartily and points at the hook, indicating awareness of the threat.

The Top 10 Phishing Memes of 2024

May 20, 2024

A diverse group of employees wearing superhero capes and holding shields with the organization's symbol, representing cybersecurity defenders.

Transforming Cybersecurity Awareness: Turning Weak Links into Strong Defenders

May 16, 2024

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